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Red Dragon Inn Expansions 8 & 9 Game Video Review

Review and How to Play

Join Tyler on a pub crawl in in Red Dragon Inn Expansions 8 & 9, and check out the new characters and antics Slugfest Games added to their flagship title. Gaming? I’m all in!

Disclosure: Meeple Mountain received a free copy of this product in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. This review is not intended to be an endorsement.

  • Great - Would recommend.

Tales from the Red Dragon Inn details

About the author

Tyler Williams

Masters Student and Performance Coach. Husband to 1 and Father to 3....cats. My singular hobby/passion is board games.


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  • There was a time when Red Dragon Inn was a go-to for starting off or closing down an evening of gaming for my friends and I. Sadly, those days are well behind us. The issue for us was the new characters that were being introduced — they were not always playing the same game as everyone else as they had mechanics that strayed well outside the bounds of what the original characters were capable of or were doing.

    Thus, if you had one player that was playing an original character and someone else playing one of the new, fancy, multi-faceted characters… the player of the original character felt that they were at a disadvantage. This may or may not be objectively true, but the feeling was palpable.

    I stopped collecting expansions for this before the giant box came along. Your review has me wondering if it is time to dust this bad boy off and give it another try. I will have to do some research into the various expansions that are now a part of the game. But I think my group would enjoy going back to the Inn, throwing down some coin on strange brews, gambling, and getting into a little bit of fisticuffs.

    Thanks for a fun review.

    • Thanks for taking the time to write this. You are certainly right where there can be some power scaling issues with new champs to old ones.

      I do think there is a lot of fun to be had. We usually agree to play characters that are close in expansions to help or at least feel like we are close together in power leveling.

      Thanks for watching and I hope your group gets to have more fun with this title!

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