Join Tyler and see if this negotiation and set collection game is the treasure you are seeking. Check out our review of Reavers of Midgard from Grey...
Negotiation Board Games
Negotiation games are those in which a player’s success hinges on their ability to manipulate and coerce the other players in the game in order to resolve conflict. Games of this type place relatively few rules around player interaction so that players are free to “play politics” in whatever way will bring the most benefit. This can range from limited cooperation with a specific player to making a web of deals around the table. Many of these games will even allow players to blatantly lie or trade non-game-related items in exchange for cooperation. One of the purest negotiation games is the aptly-named Diplomacy, which has served as inspiration for modern games like the equally aptly-named A Game of Thrones: The Board Game.
Diplomacy is a game where there is a war going on, both on and off the table. Check out our review of this classic negotiation game.