Action / Dexterity Board Games

Action/dexterity games require players to utilize their own physical attributes, particularly hand-eye-coordination, to play. Typically players are expected to achieve a precise physical task, often with a time limit. Rules are often light, since the focus is not on strategy but raw ability. Most gamers are familiar with this format because of traditional games such as Tiddlywinks, Crokinole, and Jenga. Modern updates include Pitchcar and Flick ‘Em Up!

Buffet Boss Game Review

The Bell family loves a good dexterity game, and almost any game designed by Daryl Chow. Join Justin for his review of Buffet Boss, published by...

Tasso Banana Game Review

Dexterity game? Mindless fun? Does it matter when you’re stacking giant yellow wooden bananas in Tasso Banana? Check out our review!

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