Financial crisis has occurred. Sixteen "too big to fail" companies from four countries need bailing out. The central banks have unlimited financial resources, so lots of money is going to be printed, but the central banks also face disaster — print too much money and the country they represent goes bust.
In Q.E., you play the role of a central bank. You bid on different size companies to accumulate various levels of victory points. The amount you bid is unlimited since you are the central bank and you own the printing press! After the initial "open" bid by the lead player, the other players bid in secret. After the sixteen companies have been "bailed out", bonus victory points are awarded for company sets of nationalization, monopolization and diversification.
Player markers on the scoring track now reveal which player has the most victory points, but this is not the end. Players must now add up the amount of money they printed and the player who printed the most money loses all their victory points!
Q.E. stands for Quantitative Easing.
Some ideas for games don't make sense and on its cover, an auction game with unlimited money would seem to fit that description. Read our review to find out if...
In Quick Peaks we offer hot takes on games that are new to us. This week we have Animal Poker, QE, Zoo Vadis, Bosa, and Chicken! with Chicken! Eggspansion.
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