The sushi production and distribution in the city of Mininogata is controlled by several feline clans. Leading those clans is the KumichÅ, supreme leader of the syndicate, but he is now an old cat and soon will have to decide who will succeed him.
In Neko Syndicate you will lead one of those clans and you will prove the KumichÅ who deserves to inherit his position, building an efficient chain of command and fulfilling the great amount of sushi demanded by the population. In addition, you will be rewarded if you are the fastest to achieve the missions by the KumichÅ.
During the game you will build and walk down a card’s pyramidal structure which represents both a city district under your control and your chain of command. This pyramidal structure will be used as a board and action tree which will allow you to cook sushi and transport it into different delivery zones, trying to achieve the missions by the supreme leader. You will have 15 turns to obtain as many prestige points as possible to please the supreme leader KumichÅ and, therefore, win the game.
Neko Syndicate is a "Thinky-filler" by Dani García, featuring an innovative tableau building mechanic where cards are both the actions and the goals to achieve: fast set-up, simultaneous play, low interaction and brain burner in a 30 minutes easy to play hard to master beautiful game.
Designer Dani Garcia is everywhere right now. Find out why Justin thinks that might be OK in his review of Neko Syndicate, published by Combo Games!
Join Meeple Mountain as we look at our most anticipated games of Spiel 2024, the world’s largest board game convention, taking place in Essen, Germany.