Card Games Fantasy Board Games

Misfit Heroes

Misfit Heroes details

Misfit Heroes overview

After a bizarre interdimensional event of massive proportions, Earth as we know it has been forever altered when a fantastic realm merged with ours. The result is a land called Absurdia, where magical beasts live among ordinary people and vice-versa. There's no going back to the way things were in this place of improbable combinations from monster-accountants to cosmic wedding planners.

In Misfit Heroes, players are organizing crews in hopes of claiming influence to win over the hearts and minds of the citizens in nearby regions. The character cards players will use are different every time you play! Before a game, the cards you will use are created by placing each character transparency together with an attribute card in a card sleeve. You'll never know which new characters are in the deck, and the combinations are almost endless!

During play, each character card gives a player special actions, such as earning money, drawing more cards, and (most importantly) gaining influence in the mountain, forest, sea, and city regions of the kingdom. When a player has collected 6 influence, they may claim a region of the corresponding type, which scores them points. The player who best uses their characters in combination and gains the most points wins!

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