Lines of Fixation is an abstract strategy game for 2players, inspired by Lines of Action (LoA). As same as LoA, it also has several game pieces start from a distance, the object to unite own pieces and some move constraints, but unlike LoA, it uses a hexagonal board and stacking mechanics.
GAMEPLAY (overview)
Setup each 9 of 2-height stacks as the diagram above. Light color player goes first, alternate turns taking one move with a stack their control (That is, a stack with your color at the top).
Stacks move a straight line the distance exactly its height, dropping bottom disks exactly one by one for each hex. Dropped disks may capture opponent's stacks and/or merge with own stacks. If your mono-color stack of 3- or more height can make capture, you must do so.
And there are important restrictions; if you do not have the highest stack on a straight line, your stacks on the line cannot make any move along the line. And if both of you and your opponent have the highest stacks of same height on a line, your stacks on the line can move and merge but cannot capture.
The object is to make all stacks you control adjacent each other as a group. You can also win by having two bi-color stacks of 6-height.
Create, Distribute, and Connect all your stacks to win in this Meeple Mountain review of Lines of Fixation, from Kanare Kato.