Carcassonne is a tile-placement game in which the players draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape on it. The tile might feature a city, a road, a cloister, grassland or some combination thereof, and it must be placed adjacent to tiles that have already been played, in such a way that cities are connected to cities, roads to roads, etcetera. Having placed a tile, the player can then decide to place one of their meeples on one of the areas on it: on the city as a knight, on the road as a robber, on a cloister as a monk, or on the grass as a farmer. When that area is complete, that meeple scores points for its owner.
During a game of Carcassonne, players are faced with decisions like: "Is it really worth putting my last meeple there?" or "Should I use this tile to expand my city, or should I place it near my opponent instead, giving him a hard time to complete their project and score points?" Since players place only one tile and have the option to place one meeple on it, turns proceed quickly even if it is a game full of options and possibilities.
First game in the Carcassonne series.
Eine mittelalterliche Landschaft mit Städten und Klöstern, Straßen und Wiesen. Mit Taktik und ihren Gefolgsleuten (Meeple) dehnen die Spieler in diesem raffinierten Legespiel ihren Einfluss auf die einzelnen Bereiche ständig aus. Und das mit wachsender Begeisterung!
Carcassonne ist ein Legespiel, bei dem die Spieler verdeckt Landschaftsplättchen ziehen und an die bestehende Landschaft passend anlegen müssen. Auf den Plättchen sind Städte, Straßen, Klöster und Grasland in verschiedenen Kombinationen dargestellt. Wenn dann das Plättchen passend angelegt wurde, darf der Spieler entscheiden, ob auf das gerade angelegte Plättchen ein Meeple als Ritter (in Stadt), Wegelagerer (auf Straße), Mönch (in Kloster) oder Bauer (auf Wiese) eingesetzt werden soll, vor allem wenn es vielleicht gerade der letzte ist...
Carcassonne, one of the most famous “gateway” games, has been winning people over for almost 20 years now. Today, two of our writers explore just what it is...
New to Asmodee’s line of Android games is the app version of Carcassonne. Is it as fun as the physical game? Is it a wise expenditure of your money? Read our...
Join Meeple Mountain to celebrate Dr Reiner Knizia’s 40 year board game career by journeying through his game portfolio, from A to Z. This time we’re...
Justin is spending more time exploring older Eurogame designs with friends. Join him for his hot take of the 2004 drafting and set collection game Saint...
A selection of my choice of gateway games from my collection. YMMV, of course.
Join Meeple Mountain as we sound off on the language the hobby uses to discuss complexity in games. We’re going deep to discuss this weighty matter!
Tom takes a decades-long look back at one of the games that got him back into the hobby: Fjords.
The last 18 months have been tough for all of us who love the board gaming. Justin discusses how the website Board Game Arena keeps him afloat during a...
Read Meeple Mountain’s Carcassonne Strategy Guide to find out how you can CarcassOWN your opponents!
Join Meeple Mountain as we celebrate everything Carcassonne, including the 20th anniversary of Carcassonne winning the Spiel des Jahres prize.
Meeple Mountain presents a guide to the different types of storytelling dice available. Click through to find out what’s right for you!
Join us as we explore some amazing board games in just seventeen syllables with our first collection of board game haiku!
For the past few months, the sales of Tabletop Simulator on Steam have been increased by over 300% due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the culture climate of self...
This is everything you ever wanted to know about the Spiel des Jahres board game awards, including a complete list of every winner, nominee, and recommendee...
Are you a Sagittarius? Do you wonder what your astrological sign says about you as a board gamer? Read our Board Game Horoscope: Sagittarius feature to find...
Everybody has a story about the game that got them into this lovely hobby of ours. For me that game was Ticket to Ride, but it wasn’t quite love at first sight...
What sorts of data would you get if you could survey board gamers worldwide? Paul did just that and is sharing his results with you! Find out who's coming to...
The golden age of tabletop gaming has consequently led to a similar surge in mobile applications that can easily adapt board games to phones and tablets. New...
Here at Meeple Mountain we know that gaming tastes are decidedly subjective. Let's combine that with just about the only thing that is more subjective--music...
New to board gaming and looking to expand? Seasoned veteran unsure of where to go from here? Can't decide which game to introduce your friends to next? Check...