The ruler of the winds has invited you and other sailors to a contest. Whoever receives the most acclaim on Mount Olympus will be accepted as a beneficiary in the alliance of the gods.
You should now build settlements in seven harbors, construct ships, collect sacred crystals and use the “favor of the gods”.
When sailing, you depend on the capricious winds of the mighty Aeolos. Like the legendary Odysseus, make sure your bag of wind is always well filled. Use it wisely and keep an eye on the other sailors because you are constantly fighting against time on the Islands of the Winds.”
First Take Friday – Thrones of Valeria, On the Origin of Species, AEOLOS, Everdell: Newleaf, Pletrix
In First Take Fridays we offer hot takes on games that are new to us. This week we have Thrones of Valeria, On the Origin of Species, AEOLOS, Everdell:...