Board Game Reviews by Rating

Whether you’re searching for a game to add to your collection or trying to figure out what to avoid, Meeple Mountain has you covered. Here’s a list of games we’ve reviewed, broken down by star ratings.

The Meeple Mountain rating scale.

  • 5 stars – Perfect – Will play every chance I get.
  • 4.5 stars – Excellent – Always want to play.
  • 4 stars – Great – Would recommend.
  • 3.5 stars – Good – Enjoy playing.
  • 3 stars – Fair – Will play if suggested.
  • 2.5 stars – Mediocre – I probably won’t remember playing this in a year.
  • 2 stars – Poor – Yawn, surely there’s something better to do.
  • 1.5 stars – Lousy – You might have to pay me to play this.
  • 1 stars – Awful – I don’t want to play this ever again.
  • 0.5 stars – Terrible – Is this even a game?

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