2019 – Game of the Year Nominees

Join us as we review the 2019 Game of the Year nominees for Meeple Mountain’s 2nd Annual Diamond Climber Board Game Awards.

This is it: the best of the best. To reach this peak every aspect of the game has to be phenomenal,  including great art and graphic design, entertainingly innovative gameplay, and that indescribable “wow factor”. Which of these games will be 2019’s king of the mountain?

Check back on Friday, January 17th when we announce the winners of the 2nd Annual Diamond Climber Awards.

Clank Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated

Clank has been a monster series for Renegade Games. When they announced they would be teaming up with the team from Penny Arcade to bring the Acquisitions Incorporated IP to Clank it seemed like a perfect fit. Even though this landed close to the end of the year, Clank Legacy still made enough of an impact to secure a spot in the top 6.

Publisher(s): Renegade Game Studios
Designer(s): Andy Clautice, Paul Dennen
Artist(s): Clay Brooks, Anika Burrell, Derek Herring, Raul Ramos, Nate Storm, Alain Viesca

Detective: City of Angels

Meeple Mountain has been tracking Detective: City of Angels since before it launched on Kickstarter and we’re delighted that it not only delivered to backers in 2019, but also made such a big impression on the gaming public, and our writing team. With a unique modular storytelling system and gorgeous art from Vincent Dutrait, Detective: City of Angels might be a perfect for your table.

Publisher(s): Van Ryder Games
Designer(s): Evan Derrick
Artist(s): Vincent Dutrait


Horrified rose from the depths of the Black Lagoon in 2019, taking hobby games by the throat. Not your run of the mill cooperative game, Horrified features a vivid color palette, clever gameplay, and all of those classic Hollywood monsters. It’s a puzzly cooperative game that’s easy to get to the table, making it a great way to introduce your friends to the hobby!

Publisher(s): Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH
Designer(s): Prospero Hall
Artist(s): Prospero Hall

Read our review of Horrified.

Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Marvel Champions: The Card Game came from out of nowhere this year, but rapidly became the talk of the town. What if you could combine Black Panther and Iron Man and take on Rhino to stop a rampage through the streets of Manhattan, or team Spider-Man and Captain Marvel to stop Ultron cold?

Publisher(s): Fantasy Flight Games
Designer(s): Michael Boggs
Artist(s): Unlisted

The Taverns of Tiefenthal

It would be hard to identify a game designer hotter than Wolfgang Warsch right now. His euro game The Taverns of Tiefenthal comes hot on the heels of Ganz Schon Clever, The Quacks of Quedlinburg, and The Mind. But The Taverns of Tiefenthal is his newest offering, and just hits all of the high points. Modular boards, clever point accumulation, dice drafting, and to top it all off players are building up a tavern!

Publishers: Schmidt Spiele, North Star Games
Designer: Wolfgang Warsch
Artist: Dennis Lohausen


There’s not much more to say about Wingspan that hasn’t already been said. A game about birds has raised such a ruckus that even the New York Times took notice. Add in the fact that it was from a first time woman designer and we all lost our minds. Wingspan has amazing artwork, clever gameplay, and a component set that just works.

Publisher(s): Stonemaier Games
Designer(s): Elizabeth Hargrave
Artist(s): Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, Beth Sobel, Natalia Rojas

Read our review of Wingspan.

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About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of MeepleMountain.com, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I also run Nashville Tabletop Day.

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