2019 Diamond Climber Board Game Awards Fan Favorites Voting Now Open

It's time for the Meeple Mountain Diamond Climber awards fan favorites! Cast a vote for your favorite game in 14 different categories. Voting closes on January 8th.

Last year Meeple Mountain launched the Diamond Climber Awards, an accolade for exceptional games in their categories. In addition to the internal nominations that the Meeple Mountain writing team will be doing, we also want to hear from you; the fans!

Pick a game, any game, that you think is most deserving in each of our 14 categories and simply write it in. Voting will run until January 12th, at which time we’ll announce our picks and yours simultaneously.

You can see what the categories are, as well as take a peek at our nominations from last year.

Click here to vote for your favorite board games!

The rules are simple.

• You may choose one title per category.
• You may only vote a single time.
• All titles must have been released in the United States in 2019 (except for Best Import). In the case of Kickstarter games, the game must have been received in 2019.

About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of MeepleMountain.com, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I also run Nashville Tabletop Day.


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    • Howdy Brad,

      It seems like some of our recent content has struck a nerve in the wargaming community. I’m sorry that you’re feeling left out of the rise in popularity of gaming. For the past 2 years we’ve been looking for contributors who might be interested in covering war games, and we’ve only gotten 2 submissions. One gentleman penned one of the most popular pieces on our site, a board gamers guide to war games, and the other person never contributed anything.

      I’ll be honest and say that the reactions we’ve gotten to seem to reinforce the stereotype of wargamers that many people have. I don’t believe that stereotype to be accurate, but instead of griping about a lack of content and representation, why not suggest some ways we can address the lack? Since this is the fan voting page, would you suggest a new category for wargames? Would a single category be sufficient or would it require multiple categories to cover the gamut? The problem we’re going to run into is that none of our writing team members has any sort of expertise in that area which could lead to our coverage feeling disingenuous.

      So I’m asking what specifically you’re expecting?

      • Oh I totally understand where you are coming from and I’m sorry if my comment came off as a complaint about what you are doing, it wasn’t meant to be, it’s more of a feeling of disappointment. I’ve never really played much other than wargames or games produced by wargame companies all my life. It’s interesting that the vendor areas of conventions like the WBC seem to have more wargame content yet the gaming areas are populated with an equal mix of wargames and non-wargames. Sadly I am not a writer or I would be more than happy to provide some content for you. I guess a generic wargame category would be a nice touch.I do enjoy seeing all of the other games that are out there.

        • Brad, apology not needed, but happily accepted.

          I’ll be honest and say that I eventually aim to have Meeple Mountain become a force in gaming along the lines of The Dice Tower, GeekDad, or Geek & Sundry. And with that admission I understand that there’s a lot of surface area that we need to address. 😀

          The goal is to spread out where it makes sense for us. For example, we’re starting to cover much more RPG content because one of our writers is a big fan. I’m hoping to find a team member who has that same degree of passion for wargames. Once that happens you might get more than you asked for. 😀

          Fair enough?

  • Question – for voting, do we write in a name of one that you at Meeple Mountain have listed in another post or do we write in anything? Thanks!

    • Great question. You can pick any title you like, for any of the categories. That’s the benefit of fan voting; it takes into account the tastes of everyone in the gaming world, as opposed to just the 30 people on our writing team.

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