2019 – Best Expansion Nominees

Join us as we review the 2019 Best Expansion nominees for Meeple Mountain’s 2nd Annual Diamond Climber Board Game Awards.

It can be exciting to see expansion content come out for a game that you love. In this year’s Diamond Climber awards we’ll take a look at new expansions for 6 much-loved games.

Don’t forget to cast your ballot in our 2019 Fan Favorite voting.

We’ll be announcing the rest of the nominees over the next few weeks; then check back on Friday, January 17th when we announce the winners of the 2nd Annual Diamond Climber Awards.

Barenpark: The Bad News Bears

The base game of Barenpark is one of the most underappreciated games of the last several years. A polyomino tile-laying game with varying complexity, it was easy for kids and new gamers to play but sophisticated enough for more advanced players.

The new material for The Bad News Bears is broken into multiple modules, each of which can be added individually. These include new goals, larger grizzly bear tiles, a fifth park section, and monorails which travel over the top of your park.

Publisher(s): Lookout Spiele
Designer(s): Phil Walker-Harding
Artist(s): Klemens Franz

Inis: Seasons of Inis

The Seasons of Inis expansion introduces a fifth player, a “seasons wheel” which offers new paths to victory, new action cards, and six new territories which allow you to lead your troops from the harbors to the island. All with the same killer psychedelic art Inis is known for.

Publisher(s): Matagot
Designer(s): Christian Martinez
Artist(s): Dimitri Bielak, Jim Fitzpatrick, Sabrina Tobal

PitchCar Extension 7: The Loop

The Loop is the seventh expansion for the much-loved dexterity game. In addition to adding The Loop, it also provides 4 new car pieces, allowing games with up to 14 players. The Loop allows players to combine this new piece with the ones from the base game and other extensions into dozens of different and unique configurations sure to delight everyone.

Publisher(s): Ferti
Designer(s): Jean du Poël
Artist(s): N/A

The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches

This new expansion brings that most-loved offering, a 5th player option. The Herb Witches also introduces locoweed and extra-large pumpkins for your potions. New ingredient books and three Herb Witches will make your brewing the best they can be. More options, better potions, same great gameplay.

Publisher(s): North Star Games
Designer(s): Wolfgang Warsch
Artist(s): Dennis Lohausen

War Chest Nobility

War Chest was tailor-made for expansions, with an insert just ready and waiting to receive more of those great player pieces. War Chest: Nobility introduces 5 new units: Royal Guard, Bannerman, Herald, Earl, and Bishop, along with royal proclamations to carry out the royal will.

Publisher(s): Alderac Entertainment Group
Designer(s): David Thompson (I), Trevor Benjamin
Artist(s): Brigette Indelicato

Wingspan: European Expansion

Wingspan has obviously been one of the standout smash hits of the year, with awards, accolades, and notoriety nearly unheard of in board gaming circles. But the base game of Wingspan only included birds from North America. This new expansion centers around birds of Europe which feature a variety of new abilities, including birds with round end abilities, abilities that increase interaction between players, and birds that benefit from excess cards/food. All of the new cards are designed to be shuffled in with the cards from the base game to make a seamless experience. Wingspan: European Expansion also includes a tray for storing the entire bird collection, as well as 15 purple eggs, extra food token, and a new scorepad which allows for multiplayer and solo play.

Publisher(s): Stonemaier Games
Designer(s): Elizabeth Hargrave
Artist(s): Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, Beth Sobel, Natalia Rojas

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About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of MeepleMountain.com, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I also run Nashville Tabletop Day.

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  • Surprised to not see Teotihuacan: Late Preclassic Period on this list but I haven’t played any of these so I’m not an authority by any means.

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