Justin is spending more time exploring older Eurogames with friends. Join him for his hot take of the 2006 auction and area control game Hermagor!
Recent Articles & Reviews by Justin Bell
I’ve been gaming my whole life—I was big on Fortress America, Axis & Allies and Shogun growing up along with a D&D game called Mertwig’s Maze—and now I take part in multiple game groups in the Chicagoland area. Some of my current faves include a mix of game types, from auction and economic games such as Stockpile and Brick & Mortar, to Eurogames such as Grand Austria Hotel, City of the Big Shoulders, Tiletum, The Red Cathedral and Beyond the Sun, to dice chuckers like Arcadia Quest. In 2023, I explored a number of longer, "heavier" games such as Hegemony, Voidfall, and 18xx games such as 1880: China and 1846: The Race for the Midwest.
Offline, I am a diversity, equity and inclusion leader in the consumer products & retail space, with experience building training programs and community engagement in the tech, legal and professional services fields. I often represent Meeple Mountain at tabletop conventions and I've had the chance to guest on a number of podcasts including The BGG Podcast, The Tabletop Merchant Podcast, Board Game Times, Tabletop Submarine, and as a regular contributor on The Five By. I'm also a member of the jury panel for Dicebreaker's Tabletop Awards 2023. I love chatting with others who have a passion for the hobby!
Justin reviews the fourth installment in the Horrified co-op pick-up-and-deliver series, Horrified: World of Monsters, published by Ravensburger!