The Struggle is real. Join Joseph as he looks at the New Cold War (in tabletop form) in his review of Europe Divided from Phalanx Games.
Recent Articles & Reviews by Joseph Buszek
I'm a Chicago-based freelance video producer and editor with 20+ years of experience in the advertising and education sectors, and I've been a board gamer for nearly as long. Other than filmmaking, I have a somewhat unhealthy relationship with record collecting, having basically grown up in used record stores since I was a kid in Detroit. I like to joke that I got into the board gaming hobby because I already had so many KALLAX shelves.
My board game collection doesn’t follow any particular themes — I enjoy games of many weights and genres — but lately I’ve favored more heavyweight war and historical games, especially those that tackle uncommon subjects, deliver unique perspectives, or push the limits of what “gameplay” can mean. Recent favorites include Land and Freedom and Heading Forward. I also attend many gaming conventions including Gen Con, where for the last few years I've been running (mostly light- and medium-weight) games at Lucas Oil Field, and may have taught a game or two to some readers out there.
The latest entry in the COIN series expands beyond both history and Earth itself, but is the change in atmosphere a positive one? Find out in...