The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were once a wonder of the world. But Babylon from Geek Attitude Games seems a bit more fragile than the original. Read...
Recent Articles & Reviews by Clayton Schoonover
I grew up in a small town outside of Tulsa called Glenpool, Oklahoma. I made friends, played little league baseball, joined the cub scouts, played trumpet and baritone for the Glenpool High School marching and concert band, and married my high school sweetheart. We had three kids together before we parted ways, and several years after that, I purchased 2.5 acres in Kellyville, Oklahoma. I am a centrifugal pump assembler full-time. We build different sizes and style pumps for different applications, such as fire suppression, water reclamation, oil and natural gas, and recently, jet fuel for the SpaceX rockets.
My hobbies are several. Number one on the list is gaming of any variety. I primarily lean toward board gaming, but I also love card gaming, RPG's, and video games. I'm not a crazy competitive person, so I love co-op gaming the most. I'm primarily attracted to anything taking place in some sort of fantasy or sci-fi setting, with my favorite sub-genres being dark fantasy and sci-fi horror.
I have a passion for creative and fictional universes, with some of my favorites being Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Dark Souls, Warhammer 40k, Blade Runner, and Alien. I also like to get my own creative juices flowing through world building and character creation and development as a pastime. Other hobbies include reading, writing, jumping into conspiracy theory rabbit holes, researching completely useless information about subatomic particles, and discovering new (and sometimes strange) music on Spotify.
There are a few things that get under my skin in the hobby of board gaming. Dive in to find out what I would consider my top six!