Recent Articles & Reviews by Andrew Holmes

I’m a husband, father, scientist, poet and, of course, gamer who lives in Wales, works in England and owns a Scottish rugby shirt. When I’m not working or playing board games I write scientific haiku and run the website The Sciku Project for sharing the latest research discoveries through the medium of haiku – stop by, discover something new and submit your own poems if you’d like!

I’ve always played board games, with the ‘classics’ a staple entertainment in my family my whole life. More recently I stumbled onto the modern board game phenomenon, through the gateway drug of Carcassonne. I love how board games bring people together, for me they are a medium for enjoying time with family and friends.

Since joining Meeple Mountain in early 2018 I have written board game and app reviews (e.g. AuZtralia and Istanbul: Digital Edition), satirical articles (e.g. The Collectable Collectable-Living Card Games Game), Top 6 lists (e.g. Tips for Balancing Board Games and Babies), a convention report (AireCon 5), and interviews (e.g. Inspiration, Kickstarter and Rocket Science). I've also contributed to communal pieces, including First Take Fridays, Expansions of 2018 and Monopoly Memories.

Two of my articles have been mentioned by Tom Vasel on The Dice Tower’s Board Game Breakfast (Harry Potter Miniatures Game to Feature 9 ¾ Sided Dice mentioned here and In Defence of Monopoly mentioned here), but I'm most proud of my Hare & Tortoise review/article/reflection on board games, life and progress.

I’ve gone for the desert island approach for my Top 6 board games and as a result there’s a balance of game types there. Victims of this balancing act include Village, Dale of Merchants, Istanbul and Caverna – I feel guilty for leaving them off.

    1. Carcassonne
    2. Backgammon
    3. Suburbia
    4. Scrabble
    5. Escape: The Curse of the Temple
    6. Tales of the Arabian Nights

Tipperary Game Review

Does Tipperary from Lookout Games have our heads spinning or are we unbelievers in the power of a magic stone circle? Find out in Meeple Mountain’s...

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