TableTone is an immersive audio app for tabletop roleplaying games. Find out if it pulls out all the stops or if it's a broken record in our Meeple...
Recent Articles & Reviews by Abram Towle
I tend to wear many hats: gamer, father, husband, seadog, gamemaster, and more. When it goes to games, I will play almost anything that you throw my way and give it a fair shake. When it comes to dice, I believe in rolling them any chance that I get. My number one goal when writing in the tabletop space is to spread my joy of gaming with others. There's definitely a game (or two) out there for everyone, and I'm doing my best to help you discover it, wherever it may be.
Grab your umbrella and learn about the far-reaching impact of Gorum's demise and The Godsrain in Paizo's War of Immortals for Pathfinder Second...