The Meeple Mountain Board Game Zeitgeist – 2016

What games did I play in 2016? What were my favorites, and what sort of trends can you find in my plays?

It’s been exactly a year since I decided to start my Game Every Day challenge to play at least one game every day in 2016. Not only did a blow that challenge out of the water, but I also hit 730 plays for an average of 2 plays a day. Let’s see how this changed my stats from my 2015 Zeitgeist!

Overall Stats

Total Plays 730
Unique Players 237
Unique Games 222
Unique Locations 33
H-index * 10

* Read more about Board Gaming and the H-Index.

Charts and graphs

2016 Zeitgeist chart

Thanks to my Game Every Day challenge, the number of games I played this year skyrocketed from 320 in 2015 to 730 this year. Also, thanks in large part to review copies from publishers the number of unique games I played jumped from 109 to 222.

As was the case in 2015 my primary gaming partners are my three oldest children, Noelle (11), Evan (8), and Mason (6). Interestingly enough I played more games with my father in law, Dean, than with my youngest son, Henry. Nashville Game Night was also a much larger part of my life this past year, which increased the number of players from 61 to 237.

I played 124 two player games this year, with my daughter as my primary gaming partner. My oldest son is quickly moving up the ranks as his grasp of logic and strategy increases. I can’t wait!

Because the monthly game night I run rotates venues, I play in more locations than perhaps some other people do.

Thanks to the exemplary from BG Stats App, tracking plays and slicing the data is much simpler.

New Additions

This year featured a number of notable new additions. Lords of Vegas, Russian Railroads, World’s Fair: 1893, Automobiles, and Imhotep all made their ways into my collection this year, and coincidentally also topped my ratings. View our top games of 2016.


The Game Every Day challenge was fun for the most part, but resulted in an unfortunate increase in strictly solitaire games. While I respect people who do solo gaming, it’s not my cup of tea. I’ve decided that I’m not going to do solo gaming any more. I’ll make exceptions for games I want to learn, or games like Russian Railroads which have an EXCELLENT solo variant (seriously it’s amazing).

Board gaming is fun for me, and I don’t want to play games for their own sake. I want to enjoy the time I spend with my friends and family as well.


When you play such a large number of games, you’ll inevitably run into some flops. Some of the games that disappointed me most this year were Fresco (which I highly anticipated), Glass Road (too easy for experienced players to run the board), Caladea (I was talked into playing it, don’t ask), Targi (also highly anticipated, was just too long). The game which most earned the “flop” moniker was Quilt Show. This game was terrible…I genuinely don’t know how it was even published.

Amusingly enough, one of the games I listed as a flop last year was New York: 1901. I played it again this year and really enjoyed it. So just a word to the wise. Your tastes change, and sometimes a great game can just fall flat. Always be willing to try things twice.

The Full List

Here’s the full list of games I played in 2016. Check out my Game Every Day challenge if you’re interested in a breakdown by week.

# Game Plays Places Players
1 Mancala 25 1 5
2 Solitaire 23 2 1
3 6 Nimmt 22 6 16
4 Las Vegas 20 8 26
5 PitchCar 12 2 13
6 No Thanks 12 2 9
7 Coloretto 11 1 7
8 World’s Fair 1893 10 3 10
9 Rocky Road a la Mode 10 2 7
10 Star Realms 10 1 4
11 Patchwork 9 3 6
12 Pickpockets 9 1 6
13 Birds Of A Feather 8 4 21
14 Exploding Kittens 8 3 9
15 Camel Up 8 3 9
16 Dino Dude Ranch 8 2 7
17 Bullfrogs 8 1 3
18 Animals on Board 7 4 13
19 Seeland 7 3 10
20 Deep Sea Adventure 7 3 10
21 Battle Sheep 7 2 9
22 Oh My Goods 7 2 5
23 Daxu 7 3 4
24 Pandemic The Cure 7 1 3
25 Port Royal 6 5 12
26 Isle of Skye 6 4 12
27 Lanterns: The Harvest Festival 6 5 10
28 Fuse 6 3 10
29 DC Deck Builder 6 3 9
30 Imhotep 6 5 9
31 King of Tokyo 6 2 9
32 Sushi Go! 6 3 8
33 Automobiles 6 2 5
34 Happy Salmon 6 1 5
35 Rhino Hero 6 1 5
36 Flip City 6 2 4
37 Kingdom Builder 6 2 3
38 Kahuna 6 1 3
39 Imperial Settlers 6 1 3
40 Hive 6 1 2
41 Hornochsen 5 5 14
42 Barnyard Roundup 5 3 11
43 Forbidden Island 5 4 9
44 Lords of Vegas 5 3 7
45 Herbaceous 5 3 6
46 Castle Knights 5 2 6
47 Stone Age 5 3 6
48 Pandemic 5 1 5
49 Tsuro 5 1 5
50 Parade 5 1 4
51 Apotheca 5 2 3
52 Rolling America 5 1 2
53 Braverats 5 1 2
54 Tides Of Time 5 1 2
55 Friday 5 2 1
56 For Sale 4 2 9
57 Through the Desert 4 2 6
58 Clue 4 1 6
59 Colony 4 2 6
60 The Siblings Trouble 4 1 5
61 Blueprints 4 2 5
62 Titan Race 4 2 4
63 Russian Railroads 4 2 4
64 Zombie Dice 4 1 4
65 Sagrada 4 2 4
66 Holmes: Sherlock & Mycroft 4 1 3
67 Sanssouci 4 1 2
68 Family Showdown 3 2 11
69 Codenames 3 3 10
70 Turn the Tide 3 3 9
71 Power Grid 3 3 9
72 Cockroach Poker 3 3 7
73 Eminent Domain: Battlecruisers 3 3 7
74 Ticket To Ride 3 2 6
75 Gold West 3 3 6
76 Moustache Smash 3 2 6
77 The Networks 3 3 6
78 Monopoly Deal Card Game 3 1 5
79 The Castles of Burgundy 3 2 5
80 Crab Stack 3 1 5
81 Spookies 3 1 5
82 Stop Thief 3 1 4
83 The Game of 49 3 1 4
84 Best Treehouse Ever 3 1 4
85 Spaceteam 3 1 4
86 Yspahan 3 2 4
87 Splendor 3 1 4
88 Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension 3 2 3
89 Trambahn 3 2 3
90 Rummikub 3 1 3
91 Jaipur 3 2 3
92 Eminent Domain 3 2 3
93 Quarriors 3 1 3
94 Lost Cities 3 1 3
95 Medieval Academy 3 1 2
96 Spot it! Freeze 3 1 2
97 Thebes: Tomb Raiders 3 1 2
98 Tumblin-Dice 3 1 2
99 Great Fire Of London 1666 2 1 8
100 Istanbul 2 2 5
101 Kitty Paw 2 2 5
102 Forbidden Desert 2 2 5
103 Carnival 2 1 5
104 San Juan 2 1 5
105 Hare & Tortoise 2 1 5
106 Roll For It! 2 1 4
107 Concordia 2 2 4
108 Pit 2 2 4
109 Saboteur 2 1 4
110 Minecraft Card Game 2 1 3
111 Zombie Kidz 2 1 3
112 Lotus 2 2 3
113 This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the 2-4 of Us 2 1 3
114 Topiary 2 1 3
115 Snow Tails 2 1 3
116 Coin Age 2 1 3
117 Racko 2 1 3
118 Medina 2 1 2
119 The Builders: Middle Ages 2 1 2
120 Kigi 2 1 2
121 Ahead in the Clouds 2 1 2
122 Royals 2 1 2
123 Farmageddon 2 1 2
124 Pie Factory 2 1 2
125 Coup 2 1 2
126 Pass the Pigs 2 1 2
127 Agricola: All Creatures… 2 1 2
128 Pinata 2 1 2
129 Targi 2 1 2
130 The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction 2 1 1
131 Spoons 1 1 6
132 Progress: Evolution 1 1 5
133 Oh Hell! 1 1 5
134 Five Crowns 1 1 5
135 Fuji Flush 1 1 5
136 Swipe 1 1 5
137 Bomb Squad 1 1 5
138 Cape Horn 1 1 5
139 Loopin Louie 1 1 4
140 Fool’s Gold 1 1 4
141 Scythe 1 1 4
142 Diamant 1 1 4
143 Survive: Escape From Atlantis 1 1 4
144 The Grizzled 1 1 4
145 The Game 1 1 4
146 Bruges 1 1 4
147 Sequence for Kids 1 1 4
148 Formula D 1 1 4
149 New Bedford 1 1 4
150 Piece o’ Cake 1 1 4
151 Control 1 1 4
152 D-Day Dice 1 1 4
153 Betrayal at House on the Hill 1 1 4
154 Coconuts 1 1 4
155 Downfall Of Pompeii 1 1 4
156 Love Letter 1 1 4
157 Wordsy 1 1 3
158 Ghost Stories 1 1 3
159 Celestia 1 1 3
160 Dice City 1 1 3
161 Karuba 1 1 3
162 Grand Austria Hotel 1 1 3
163 Luna 1 1 3
164 Trajan 1 1 3
165 HoverKraft 1 1 3
166 Black Fleet 1 1 3
167 Voyages Of Marco Polo 1 1 3
168 Saint Petersburg 1 1 3
169 Lord Of The Rings: Deckbuilding Game 1 1 3
170 Paris Connection 1 1 3
171 War 1 1 3
172 Castle Panic 1 1 3
173 Blokus: Trigon 1 1 3
174 Quadropolis 1 1 3
175 Dexikon 1 1 3
176 A Feast for Odin 1 1 3
177 New York: 1901 1 1 3
178 Caledea 1 1 3
179 Monopoly Junior 1 1 3
180 Sheriff of Nottingham 1 1 3
181 Uno 1 1 3
182 Champions Of Midgard 1 1 3
183 Ra 1 1 3
184 Between Two Cities 1 1 3
185 Qwirkle 1 1 2
186 The Great Heartland Hauling Co. 1 1 2
187 Mahjong 1 1 2
188 Harbour 1 1 2
189 Checkers 1 1 2
190 Pagoda 1 1 2
191 Cathedral 1 1 2
192 Swish 1 1 2
193 Roll For The Galaxy 1 1 2
194 Alien Frontiers 1 1 2
195 Hamsterrolle 1 1 2
196 JunKing 1 1 2
197 Tiny Epic Galaxies 1 1 2
198 Mille Bornes 1 1 2
199 WWE Superstar Showdown 1 1 2
200 Pirate’s Blast 1 1 2
201 Machi Koro 1 1 2
202 Quilt Show 1 1 2
203 Viva Java: The Dice Game 1 1 2
204 Cacao 1 1 2
205 Onitama 1 1 2
206 Ice Cool 1 1 2
207 Potion Explosion 1 1 2
208 Rivals For Catan 1 1 2
209 Gadgeteers 1 1 2
210 The King Is Dead 1 1 2
211 The Blood of an Englishman 1 1 2
212 Unpub – Roses 1 1 2
213 Sylvion 1 1 2
214 Yahtzee Steal The Deal 1 1 2
215 La Granja 1 1 2
216 KLASK 1 1 2
217 Frontier-6 1 1 2
218 Terrace 1 1 2
219 Glass Road 1 1 2
220 Fight for Olympus 1 1 2
221 Tokaido 1 1 2
222 Fresco 1 1 2

About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I also run Nashville Tabletop Day.

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