
2022 Winter Call for Contributors

Meeple Mountain is looking for passionate board gamers to join our team and help us to refine our voice. If you've got what it takes, drop us a line!

Meeple Mountain recently entered our 6th year of publishing content. Our first review, Dice Bazaar from Fedor Sosnin, was published on November 27, 2015. Since that time we’ve released over 1,400 reviews, articles, videos, humor pieces, interviews, and awards. And we’ve done all of it with an all volunteer crew of some of the best writers in tabletop media.

Even though COVID brought much of the world to a standstill, there are still amazing games being released every day, in fact BoardGameGeek lists over 5,000 games in their database just for the year 2021. Sure, some of those won’t be released for years, but the pace of new games isn’t slowing down. That means more games hitting retail and more opportunities for people to talk about this hobby they love.

And that’s where you come in!

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re a regular reader of the site. Or perhaps you came across it on social media and it piqued your interest. No matter the reason, we’re glad you took the time to click, because we need you. We’re a group of passionate gamers who share our love of board gaming through written and video reviews, articles, and humor,  and we’re looking for new team members to join us on our journey.

Twice a year we put out a public call for contributors in hopes of attracting passionate board gamers who want their voice to be heard, and to share their love of board games with the world. The Meeple Mountain writing team consists of over 50 authors from all over the United States, Canada, as well as parts of the U.K. and Europe, and we’d like you to consider joining us!

Have you ever looked at the content that Meeple Mountain or other sites produce and think, “I could do that”? Then you’re in the right place. We’re looking for people with interesting stories and perspectives; especially from groups whose voices might not be heard as frequently. We want to continue to improve Meeple Mountain’s voice in the board gaming industry, but more importantly we want to speak with authenticity and integrity, and welcome readers and writers from all social and economic backgrounds.

To that end our call for contributors has three stated goals:

1) Increase the diversity of our team.

You don’t have to look far to notice that board game media is overwhelmingly composed of white men; including here at Meeple Mountain. But that’s not representative of the US population! More than 50% of the US are women and close to 30% identify as Black, Latino, Asian, or another race.

We want to include more underrepresented voices, and we want to hear your story

2) More international writers.

Gamers in the United States make up the bulk of our readership, but we want to change that. Board games are loved all over the world and we’d love to have our writing team represent other countries by covering topics important and relevant to them. We’d even love to publish multi-lingual articles eventually (Spanish, French, or German anyone?).

Web traffic by country:

  1. United States = 52%
  2. UK= 9%
  3. Canada = 8%
  4. Australia = 4%
  5. China = 2%
  6. Germany = 2%
  7. Netherlands = 2%
  8. Spain = 1%
  9. India = 1%
  10.  Sweden = 1%

3) A wider range of topics.

While the majority of our content is board game reviews, those pieces don’t generate as much traffic as our Top Six lists, articles, or opinion pieces. Why is that? We think it’s because our readership cares about topics that matter to you. You might not care about what we think about Final Girl, but you might be interested in how to play games with your kids or our thoughts on tiebreakers or some tips for teaching board games. Our articles about building up community get consistent traffic because that topic resonates with people. There are plenty of social and mental health issues that affect each of us in different ways, and plenty of ways that tabletop games can impact our lives. We’d love to explore them with you.

So Really…Come Join our Team!

We want board gamers of all sorts: party gamers, war gamers, RPG gamers, hardcore strategy gamers, or anyone who loves modern tabletop gaming. Do you write gaming-adjacent short stories or poems, want to work with us on our upcoming webcomic, film videos, or maybe you write songs about obscure Euro games? Then you’re the one for us!

Or maybe you’re not a writer, but you’re great at organization, graphic design, illustration, marketing & social media, or other areas. As our team grows, the opportunities we offer continue to expand.

If any of this sounds interesting then check out the links below!

Find out more about writing for Meeple Mountain!

Or drop us an email and tell us you’re interested!

About the author

Andy Matthews

Founder of Meeple Mountain, editor in chief of, and software engineer. Father of 4, husband to 1, lover of games, books, and movies, and all around nice guy. I also run Nashville Tabletop Day.

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