Write For Us
Have you ever looked at the content that Meeple Mountain or other sites produce and think, “I could do that”? Then you’re in the right place…we’re always looking for new writers to join our writing army, but twice a year we make a public call for contributors in hopes of identifying promising talent like you.
Since Meeple Mountain published our very first piece of content, (a review of Dice Bazaar in case you wondered), we’ve grown by leaps and bounds. Our writing team has doubled every 6-9 months and we’re now at almost 30 contributors. We have contributors all over the US, several writers in Canada, and 2 writers in the U.K.
This will be our fourth call for contributors, and with this one we’re stepping into it with a goal for improving not only Meeple Mountain’s voice in the industry, but contributing towards the health of the board gaming as a whole. We have three stated goals.
1) We want to increase the diversity of minority voices on our team.
Women comprise more than 50% of the population, and are just as interested in games as men. Yet the number of women contributing to board game media content is dwarfed by men. We want to change this by bringing on women who can speak on topics from their own perspectives.
We also want to include more underrepresented voices. Our opinion piece on Fog of Love contributed towards a decision by the publisher to include different covers depicting different types of relationships. What power could your underrepresented voice have on our platform?
2) We want to increase the number of international writers.
Gamers in the United States are the overwhelming majority of our readership (61% compared to the next highest country Canada at a mere 7%), but we want to change that. Board games are a worldwide phenomenon and we’d love to serve that market by talking about popular games in various countries, cultural differences, and even multi-lingual pieces (Spanish, French or German come to mind).

3) We want to cover underrepresented, but important, topics in gaming.
While the majority of our content is board game reviews, those pieces don’t generate as much traffic as our Top Six lists, articles, or opinion pieces. Why is that? We think it’s because you care about topics that matter to you. You might not give a rip about our Gloomhaven review, but you probably do care about gaming with your significant other. Our articles about building up community get consistent traffic because that topic resonates with people.
We’ve also touched briefly on how shyness can make it difficult to interact with other gamers, but that only scratches the surface. There are social and mental health issues that affect each of us in different ways, and we’d love to explore them with you.
So Really…Come Write for Us!
We want board gamers, party gamers, war gamers, RPG gamers, or anyone who loves modern tabletop gaming. Do you write gaming adjacent short stories, or want to start publishing a webcomic, or maybe you write songs about obscure Euro games? Then you’re the one for us!
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